Support Policy

Get support directly from the PorterWP development team.

We can answer any questions related to PorterWP. Our goal is to help you make the most of PorterWP.

Between normal business hours on Monday and Friday you can usually expect a reply in 48 hours or less. Support is generally unavailable on the weekends, and tickets received on Friday are usually handled the following Monday.

Support tickets are answered in the order in which they are received, oldest first. Every time you send an email your ticket is bumped to the back of the queue.

Here are some common things we would love to help you out with:

  • How to use certain features in PorterWP.
  • Pointing you in the right direction so you can make the most of PorterWP for a certain import task
  • See why something your import isn’t working, and fix it so it works for you.

Here is what is outside the scope of our support:

Frontend problems

PorterWP structures your code and provides a useful framework for content, but your theme is responsible for rendering content to the screen.

PorterWP is a developer tool, not a site-builder plugin.

Compatibility issues

PorterWP works on a very diverse range of server environments – from bad shared hosting accounts to powerful dedicated servers. We’ve done our best to make it run pretty much everywhere. And we rarely hear of compatibility problems.

But some servers have broken configurations or limited processing power. If you’re having a problem, we’re happy to debug any issues and see if the problem is with PorterWP or with your web hosting provider/server configuration.

Sometimes we can make adjustments to PorterWP to work around web hosting providers with strange configurations but we provide no guarantee of this.

Writing custom code for your project

PorterWP has hooks and filters that enable a developer to customise many aspects of the code, we have documentation and examples of custom PHP functions that are available to you.

We can answer questions about our documentation but we can’t write your code for you.

Modifications to PorterWP

PorterWP is sold as-is.

We take all bug reports seriously. We’ll investigate and usually fix it in the next release. And we release frequently.

We also take all feature requests seriously. If enough people want a feature, we’ll add it, or create an add-on for it.

Anything we don’t advertise as part of PorterWP

PorterWP is REALLY powerful, there is a ton of functionality tucked away and ready for you to take advantage of. Plus we have some hidden constructs that aren’t documented.

But we don’t advertise any of these features as part of PorterWP, either because they are highly complex and technical, or they aren’t stable. Use them at your own risk, and contract a developer if you are out of your depth.

The problematic 1% policy

We want to provide timely support for the other 99% of our customers – and one way we do this is not do business with time wasters. If you take up more time than 99% of our customers (and your requests don’t help us improve our software – i.e. they are not bug reports), we’re not interested in your business. We’d be happy to give you a refund, or point you to a developer to assist you.